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Chile: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 1125600
Ethical theories observations of argumentative processes led by social workers
Miranda, Patricio
Qualitative methods for social research. Recounting diferentiation schemes
Flores, Rodrigo
Family mediation and conflict. Conceptual topics
Cortez-Monroy, Fabiola; Solar, María Olga
Quezada, Margarita
The challenge of the effectiveness of juvenile justice
Díaz Bórquez, Daniela
The expert conceptualization in judicial and penal teenagers’ diagnoses in Montevideo
González Laurino, Carolina
Resilience, identity and recognition New approaches to the concept of the contributions of George Mead and Axel Honneth
Telias Delpiano, Max
The interagency guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings: implications for social work
Bragin, Martha
The obvious inferiority of our programs…” early american influences on chile’s social work profession during the 1940s
González Moya, Maricela
The notion of justice in democratic societies: a view from Paul Ricoeur
Rosales Úbeda, Ariel
“INVESTIGACIÓN CUALITATIVA” Miradas desde el Trabajo Social
Burgos O., Dra. Nilsa; Oneto P, Leonardo
Social work and social complexities: contributions for pondering the professional intervention processes
Gianna, Sergio Daniel
Quezada, Margarita
Reconstruction policies post-earthquake in Chile: bio-political device, objectivation / subjectivation and resistance. Approximations from foucaultianan logic
Arriagada D., Christian
Practices of political participation within students representations organizations leaders
Santana L, Alejandra I.; Hernández M., Natalia
Organizations of the Third Sector: advancing in the need to characterize the Chilean voluntary work
Flores G., Rodrigo; Donoso S., María Ignacia
The movement in the Lumako movement: thinking as mapuche from the mapuche
Tricot, Tito
Citizenship in contexts of violence and fear: Some challenges for current community interventions
Muñoz A., Gianinna
Ethics and Social Work: philosophical and intercultural references for the professional exercise
Aguayo Cuevas, Cecilia
Families, State and Social Policy. The plot of the new forms of government
De Martino Bermúdez, Mónica
2011 - 2020
2001 - 2010
1951 - 2000
1901 - 1950
1800 - 1900
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