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Consejo Nacional de Universidades (Nicaragua)
Consejo Nacional de Universidades (Nicaragua)
Consejo Nacional de Universidades (Nicaragua)
Consejo Nacional de Universidades (Nicaragua)
Búsqueda en esta institución:
Trends manifested by history evolution of the Integrative Main Discipline (IMD) of the Bachelor´s Degree in Construction Education
Zaragoza Morales , Nurbia Ivia; Cruz Cabezas, Miguel Alejandro; Alonso Betancourt, Luis Aníbal
Application of stable isotopes and hydrochemistry for the understanding of the hydrological system in Laguna de Tiscapa. Managua, Nicaragua
Barberena-Moncada, Javier; Hurtado-García, Iris; Sirias-Silva, Marlon
Estimation of Biodegradability of CIRA/UNAN-Managua Wastewater Effluent according to ISO 10707 and OECD 301D
Martínez Espinoza, Freddy Alexander; Mendoza Arriaza , Felipe Cándido
Process of psycho-pedagogical characterization in the early formation of teachers of technical-professional education
Surí Leyva, Gloria María; Sánchez Figueredo, Rigoberto Pastor
Responsibility as a value in the formation of the Cuban doctor
del Cerro Campano , Yanett; Cruz Cabezas, Miguel Alejandro; Alonso Betancourt, Luis Anibal; Zúñiga Igarza, Libys Martha
Design of the subject Labor Practice of Construction Execution Management, Study Program E, Civil Engineering
Abreu Medina, Liana Ester; Pérez Vives, Abel; Abreu Junco, Carlos Luis
Level of knowledge about COVID-19 in students of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ecuador
Tenelanda López, Dennys; Guerrero De La Torre, Dayana; Moscoso Gaibor, Paola; Albán Hurtado, Carlos
Administrative Process of the MODAS ROSIBEL Family Business in the city of Dario Matagalpa 2018-2019
Betanco, Rubén Abraham; Padilla Moreno, Danilo José; Téllez Méndez, Ronald José; Castillo Herrera, Beverly
Integration of information and communication technologies in innovative didactic strategies to facilitate the teaching - learning processes of functions in the General Mathematics subject in FAREM Estelí
Lanuza Saavedra, Emilio Martín
Graphic Representation in the Civil Engineering career of the University of Holguin, Cuba
Urbina Reynaldo, María Onelia; Cuervo Urbina, Rafael
Credit Management of the credit program promoted by the ForoMiraflor in the Moropotent Miraflor Area of the municipality of Estelí
García Ampie, Wendell Juseph; Valenzuela Martínez, Bryan Onell; Gámez Pineda, Luis Ariel; Castillo Herrera, Beverly
Community participation and maternal health in Upper Wangky, from a gender perspective
Ortiz Guadamuz, Scarlet Lizette
Methodological Suggestions for the use of the polygon pattern in the practical classes of the subject topography
Silva Cruz, Mariela; Acosta González, Luis Enrique; Almaguer Guerrero, Isabel
Suicide attempt on HIV-positive women in Managua, Nicaragua
Torres Mendoza, María del Carmen
Formative Learning through Professional Practices of Mechanical Engineering Students
Espinosa Torres, Mabel del Pilar; Sánchez Figueredo, Rigoberto Pastor; Moraguez Iglesias, Arabel; Carballo Peña, Alberto
Revista Científica de FAREM-Estelí. No. 37
de FAREM-Estelí, Revista Científica
Revista Científica de FAREM-Estelí. No. 36
de FAREM-Estelí, Revista Científica
The didactic conception of the inverted classroom for professional formation of workers
Alonso Betancourt, Luis Aníbal; Cruz Cabezas, Miguel Alejandro; Parente Pérez, Eliset; del Cerro Campano , Yanett
The Teacher’s preparation in pedagogical vocational formation
Guzmán Méndez, Riselda; Soñora Revoredo, Humberto; Arnaiz Ramos, María de los A.; Pérez Piedra, Yindira
The physiological, nutritional, and psychological activity of the elderly during the quarantine of Covid-19 at the Centro de Atención Integral (CEAM) la Delicia. Quito, Ecuador
Cepeda Ortiz, Dalinda de los Ángeles; Jácome Arboleda, Janeth Stefania
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Peer-Reviewed Article (92)
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2011 - 2020
2001 - 2010
1951 - 2000
1901 - 1950
1800 - 1900
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