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Perspectivas actuales sobre las prácticas de la medicina ancestral andina. Cuenca, Ecuador.
Background. The Andean culture, rich in ancestral knowledge, is practiced in the Cuenca Canton, where its inhabitants commonly use ancestral medicine, deeply rooted in their beliefs and traditions.
Aim. Describe the current ...
Diseño editorial de un folleto ilustrado de medicina ancestral kichwa de La Amazonía
With the purpose of collaborating in the preservation of the oral, iconographic and ethnobotanical intangible heritage of the original Kichwa Sarayaku people, through a collaboration between their empirical knowledge and ...
Prácticas de medicina ancestral en el tratamiento de problemas respiratorios en niños menores de 5 años. Nabón 2017
BACKGROUND: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traditional medicine is a set of knowledge, skills and practices based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences of different cultures, whether or not ...
Creencias y costumbres de la medicina ancestral en la comunidad de Malal, Cañar, 2017
BACKGROUND. - The ancestral medicine throughout history has tried to rescue their customs, beliefs and knowledge, at the same time it tries to attach new abilities and skills in order to improve its practice, which contributes ...