Creencias y costumbres de la medicina ancestral en la comunidad de Malal, Cañar, 2017
Buñay Padilla, Cecilia Janeth
Pomavilla Chimborazo, Janeth Gricelda
BACKGROUND. - The ancestral medicine throughout history has tried to rescue their customs, beliefs and knowledge, at the same time it tries to attach new abilities and skills in order to improve its practice, which contributes to maintain an excellent quality of life, of the People who come to their centers. This is a challenge for people who practice this art of healing through medicinal plants and knowledge that they have acquired from their ancestors.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE.- To identify the beliefs and customs of ancestral medicine in the community of Malal, Cañar 2017.
METHODOLOGY.- Is a qualitative research, based on the grounded theory, we worked with seven mothers of children under 5 years, who were interviewed in depth, as a support instrument was used a semi-structured form, the data obtained were transcribed and analyzed using The Atlas program. Absolute confidentiality was kept at all times.
RESULTS.- Mothers, use plants and other elements to cure any diseases of the field, based on their beliefs and customs, acquired from their grandparents, parents and people who know more about ancestral medicine, in order to continue to rescue the Identity that characterizes the community and the legacy left by their ancestors.