Prácticas de medicina ancestral en el tratamiento de problemas respiratorios en niños menores de 5 años. Nabón 2017
Marín Zeas, Silvana Gabriela
Quizhpi Aucay, Diana Karina
BACKGROUND: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traditional medicine is a set of knowledge, skills and practices based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences of different cultures, whether or not explained, used for maintaining health , as well as for the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical or mental illnesses. The knowledge of ancestral medicine has been transmitted from generation to generation. Some of the evils that heals are the scares and relapses. (1).
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To identify the practices of ancestral medicine in the treatment of respiratory problems in children under 5 years of age in Nabón, 2017.
METHODOLOGY: is a qualitative study that characterizes the application of ancestral medicine in Nabón, province of Azuay, with the aim of identifying the use of ancestral medicine in the treatment of respiratory problems in children under 5 years of age. The method to be used will be the in-depth interview with the focus group technique applied with prior informed consent. For the categorization and analysis of the information, the Atlas Ti program and various computer tools will be used to allow us to visualize the information collected in order to present it clearly.
USE OF THE RESULTS The information derived from this study will be socialized with the members of the community of Nabón, the authorities of the Nursing Career and will be part of the database for future research.