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REINCISOL: Revista de Investigación Científica y Social (Ecuador)
Organismo no Gubernamental
REINCISOL: Revista de Investigación Científica y Social (Ecuador)
Organismo no Gubernamental
REINCISOL: Revista de Investigación Científica y Social (Ecuador)
REINCISOL: Revista de Investigación Científica y Social (Ecuador)
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Recent Submissions
Systematic review of the experiences and perspectives of inclusive education in Latin America
Aguirre Vargas, Isabel Cecilia; Castillo Pinos, Karina Maribel
Design of an isolated solar system to pump water for agricultural use in Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Mendez Duran , Jesús Heriberto
Inclusive education in Ecuador: dependent roads and emergencies
Aguirre Vargas, Isabel Cecilia
Anthropology Impalabramiento - Hermeneutic Symbolic Writing: Delay - Archetypal Scientific Progress Venezuelan Afro-descendant
Gómez Romero , Danny Francis
Metamorphosis and characteristics of Venezuelan education, at the time of the Pandemic
Marcano de Blanco, Eladia del Jesús
Augmented reality as pedagogical support in education
Añapa Quiñónez, Pedro Luis; Rua Sanchez, Luis Efren
Selection and Recruitment Process of Service Personnel in the Company KEIDS.A.
Chaluisa Navas, Evelyn Dayana; Ruilova Narváez , Erika Cristina; Campaña Tóala , Dennise Azucena; Cando Ipiales , Katia Pamela; Pilatasig Remache , Darwin Israel; Galarza Barrera , Kevin Esteban
Self-regulation in the interdisciplinary learning in Entrepreneurship and Management in high school students
Medina-Gorozabel, Glenda; Giler-Medina, Patricio
Characterization of the control analysis parameters of the water inlet and outlet of the Termoesmeraldas I demineralization plant.
Quiñonez Arroyo, Douglas; Angulo Guerrero , Ronny Joel
Level of satisfaction due to conditions of admission to the emergency department at the hospital nuestra señora del Carmen during 2022
Palencia Buelvas, Ronald Yesid; Díaz Herrera, Yeimys Judith; Quiroz Meneses, Taylor
Multitask learning in Chemistry and academic performance of high school students
Giler-Medina, Patricio
Teaching mathematics to high school students
Ávila León, Jenniffer Talía; Briones Palacios, Yita Maribel
Patients with chronic diseases Social Work intervention
Pachito Sevillano, Daniela Margarita
Patent management from a Latin American perspective
Palencia Buelvas, Ronald Yesid; Díaz Herrera, Yeimys Judith; Martínez Peña, Gloria Luz; Quiroz Meneses, Taylor
Possibilities and difficulties encountered in E-Learning from our context
Pacheco Castro, Jeyson Leandro
Older adults and inclusive social protection measures for the enjoyment of rights
Chávez Loor, Rebeca Mariana; Gutiérrez Santana, Jhimmy Andrés
Dynamic Behavior of Dangerous Events and Disasters in the Gonzalo Pizarro Canton, Ecuador
Morales Corozo, Juan Pablo
State of anxiety and Covid-19 in the elderly of the foundation a life with purpose
Paredes Saltos, Luis Fernando
Family incidence in emotional development during adolescence
Montero Suarez, Sebastian Patricio
The development of laterality in the learning of children of initial age
Rosero Jama, Silvia Alexandra
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