Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 241
Virtual Rational Betti Numbers Of Nilpotent-by-abelian Groups
O número graduado de Betti
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em MatemáticaBrasilUFS, 2017)
On the Betti number of the union of two generic map images
(Elsevier B.V., 1999-06-23)
Let f: M --> N and g: K --> N be generic differentiable maps of compact manifolds without boundary into a manifold such that their intersection satisfies a certain transversality condition. We show, under a certain ...
On the Betti number of the union of two generic map images
(Elsevier B.V., 1999-06-23)
Let f: M --> N and g: K --> N be generic differentiable maps of compact manifolds without boundary into a manifold such that their intersection satisfies a certain transversality condition. We show, under a certain ...
On the Betti number of the union of two generic map images
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Virtual Rational Betti Numbers Of Nilpotent-by-abelian Groups
(Pacific Journal MathematicsBerkeley, 2016)
On the variations of the Betti numbers of regular levels of Morse flows
We generalize results in Cruz and de Rezende (1999) [7] by completely describing how the Beth numbers of the boundary of an orientable manifold vary after attaching a handle, when the homology coefficients are in Z, Q, R ...
Homologia simplicial e característica de EulerSimplicial Homology and Euler Characteristics
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilMatemática, 2022)
Compact manifolds of nonnegative isotropic curvature and pure curvature tensor
(Balkan Soc GeometersBucharestRoménia, 2005)