Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 28
Aplicación de mediciones de ruido de baja frecuencia para el análisis de efectos de estrés térmico y eléctrico en dispositivos de potencia.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2020-06-15)
This document presents the study of the effect of thermal and electrical stress on power semiconductor devices through low-frequency noise measurements. A High Temperature Reverse Bias test (HTRB) was applied to the power ...
Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): The Verifiability Approach
(Universidad de LimaPE, 2022)
utonomous systems are taking over the decision-making in many crucial aspects of our lives. Trust in them will help users benefit from such systems without harming themselves. Establishing the right level of trust ...
Valoración de hierro en embarazadas del área de obstetricia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2011-11-11)
A descriptive study was conducted, purposeful, with intervention in 275 pregnants. To collect information, we used a survey on the basis of variables such as age, occupation, marital status, residence, gestation period, ...
Cuantificación del fenómeno de desfocalización de corriente en transistores bipolares de heterounión silicio-germanio
(Valdez Monroy, Jose Alberto, 2017-03-28)
En este trabajo de tesis se describe una técnica original e innovadora, que permite
cuantificar la desfocalización de corriente, a través de la obtención de la anchura efectiva
de la unión base-emisor (WE,ef) y de la unión ...
Selfknowledge in physical education and healthy life: a pedagogical overviewVisión pedagógica del autoconocimiento en educación física y vida saludable
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2020)
Construction and validation of a questionnaire on citizenship training that is generated from the management of the leadership of school directorsConstrucción y validación de un cuestionario sobre la formación ciudadana que se genera a partir de la gestión del liderazgo de directores escolares
The present investigation had as an objective to construct and validate a questionnaire to collect
the teachers perception over the gestion of the directors and their influenve over Civic Education
in chilean Schools, ...
Análise comparativa dos métodos MQL, MQL/Água e convencional na retificação cilíndrica do aço ABNT 52100, com rebolo de óxido de alumínio
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-02-27)
The correlation of irregularities on the surfaces of metal workpieces can be carried out through the machining by abrasion, in which is necessary, both the cooling of the machined surface, and the lubrification in contact ...