Artículos de revistas
Aplicación de mediciones de ruido de baja frecuencia para el análisis de efectos de estrés térmico y eléctrico en dispositivos de potencia.
Berrones, Sofía
Barcia Macías, Ronald Marcelo
Cajas Buenaño, Mildred
Morocho Caiza, Andrés
This document presents the study of the effect of thermal and electrical stress on power semiconductor devices through low-frequency noise measurements. A High Temperature Reverse Bias test (HTRB) was applied to the power devices, determining their electrical characteristics before and after the HTRB. The tools used for this study were a variable voltage source up to 1200V designed for the application of electrical stress, a temperature module consisting of a miniheater and a control module designed for the
application of thermal stress together with the Keithley 4200-SCSn parameter analyzer for current-voltage characterization and a low frequency noise measurement system for characterization of conductive channels in electronic devices. The results indicate a
higher level of flicker noise in the considered MOSFETs after stress application that is related to changes in the threshold voltage because of the applied stress, directly correlating these parameters.