Online brand experience, brand image, brand trust y customer satisfaction en relación al e-brand engagement en canales digitales de e-fashion retail
2020-12-03Registro en:
0000 0001 2196 144X
Peredo Paredes, Mireya Lucía
Vargas Ortiz, María Teresa
La industria del e-fashion retail evidencia un continuo crecimiento en los últimos años, ello acompañado de la creciente preferencia de compra de prendas de vestir a través de canales online por parte de los consumidores peruanos. Por tal motivo, es oportuno identificar los diferentes componentes que participan en relación a la experiencia online en canales de e-fashion retail. La presente investigación busca establecer relaciones entre el online brand experience, brand image, brand trust y customer e-satisfaction en función al e-brand engagement. Basado en una muestra de 400 encuestados en Lima Metropolitana, el estudio pretende validar las hipótesis propuestas respecto al grado de significancia presente entre variables como online brand experience y customer satisfaction, brand image y brand trust, customer satisfaction y e-brand engagement, entre otras. Para el análisis correspondiente de la data obtenida, se aplicarán testeos estadísticos tales como correlaciones, regresiones y análisis de varianza. The e-fashion retail industry has shown continuous growth in recent years, accompanied by the growing preference for buying clothing through online channels by Peruvian consumers. For this reason, it is appropriate to identify the different components that participate in relation to the online experience in e-fashion retail channels. This research seeks to establish relationships between the online brand experience, brand image, brand trust and customer e-satisfaction based on e-brand engagement. Based on a sample of 400 respondents in Metropolitan Lima, the study aims to validate the proposed hypotheses regarding the degree of significance present between variables such as online brand experience and customer satisfaction, brand image and brand trust, customer satisfaction and e-brand engagement, among others. For the corresponding analysis of the data obtained, statistical tests such as correlations, regressions and analysis of variance will be applied.
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