Evaluation of microcrystalline cellulose II (MCCII) as an alternative extrusion-spheronization aid
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Rojas J, Kumar V. Evaluation of microcrystalline cellulose II (MCCII) as an alternative extrusion-spheronization aid. Pharmazie. 2012 Jul;67(7):595-7.
Rojas Camargo, John
Kumar, Vijay
ABSTRACT: Microcrystalline cellulose II (MCCII) is a different allomorph of MCC that can be used as a filler and a disintegrant for direct compression. MCCII was studied as new pelletization aid with the aim to prepare pellets with a faster drug release than MCCI-based pellets. MCCII-based pellets showed an immediate diphenydramineHCl release profile comparable to that of Benadryl and a faster griseofulvin release than MCCI-based pellets. MCCII offers potential to use as an alternative pelletization aid. COL0003623
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