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Construction and validation of simulated scenario for the development of nursing students diagnostic reasoning
Construction and Validation of Simulated scenario for the development of Nursing Students Diagnostic Reasoning
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Gouveia, Marcella Ferroni
Souza, Cristiane Chaves de
Braga, Luciene Muniz
Carvalho, Daniel Camilo de
Boscarol, Gabriela Tavares
Borges, Alessandra Bastos
Salgado, Patrícia de Oliveira
Objective: to describe the process of construction and validation of a clinical simulation scenario whose objective of the scenario was the development of diagnostic reasoning skills in nursing students. Method: this is a descriptive study of the process of construction and content validation of a clinical simulation scenario for the development of diagnostic reasoning skills in students of the fourth semester of the Undergraduate Nursing course. Results: The scenario was validated by eight experts in the area covered by the study. The level of agreement between the judges above 90% was considered. Conclusion: In order for clinical simulation to be effective, it is necessary to have prior planning and clear objectives. Following a practical theoretical-script facilitates the development of the scenario, favoring the student's learning process.