Cyber dating abuse: Sex, substance use and relationship length
Cyber dating abuse: Sex, substance use and relationship length;
Ciberabuso no namoro: Sexo, uso de substâncias e tempo de duração da relação
Sara Guedes; Dep. de Educação e Psicologia, Escola de Ciências Humanas e Sociais,Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Elisete Correia; Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT), Dep. of Mathematics, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Ana Paula Monteiro; Center for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE), Dep. de Educação e Psicologia,Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
New technologies have grown exponentially in recent years, and they have been associated with phenomena such as cyber dating abuse. This study, carried out in Portugal, aimed to investigate whether there are differences in cyber dating abuse between sexes, to study the relationship between cyber dating and substance use, and between cyber dating abuse and relationship length. In this study participated 894 higher education students, aged between 17 and 56 years old. The Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire and the Drug Abuse Screening Test were used. Regarding to sex, the results showed statistically differences between some cyber dating abuse factors. It was also found that substance use was positively related to all cyber dating abuse factors. Moreover, it was observed that individuals who had been in a longer relationship practiced more acts of control. Possible justifications for the results, as well as practical implications of the results, are discussed. New technologies have grown exponentially in recent years, and they have been associated with phenomena such as cyber dating abuse. This study, carried out in Portugal, aimed to investigate whether there are differences in cyber dating abuse between sexes, to study the relationship between cyber dating and substance use, and between cyber dating abuse and relationship length. In this study participated 894 higher education students, aged between 17 and 56 years old. The Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire and the Drug Abuse Screening Test were used. Regarding to sex, the results showed statistically differences between some cyber dating abuse factors. It was also found that substance use was positively related to all cyber dating abuse factors. Moreover, it was observed that individuals who had been in a longer relationship practiced more acts of control. Possible justifications for the results, as well as practical implications of the results, are discussed. As novas tecnologias têm crescido exponencialmente nos últimos anos, e têm sido associadas a fenómenos como o ciberabuso no namoro. Este estudo, realizado em Portugal, teve como objetivos investigar se existem diferenças no ciberabuso no namoro entre sexos, estudar a relação entre o ciberabuso no namoro e o uso de substâncias e, também, entre o ciberabuso no namoro e o tempo de duração da relação. Participaram neste estudo 894 estudantes do ensino superior, com idades entre os 17 e os 56 anos. Foi utilizado o Questionário sobre Ciberabuso no Namoro e o Drug Abuse Screening Test. No que diz respeito ao sexo, os resultados evidenciaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em alguns fatores do ciberabuso no namoro. Verificou-se ainda que o uso de substâncias estava positivamente associado com todos os fatores do ciberabuso do namoro. Além disso, foi observado que indivíduos que estavam há mais tempo numa relação praticaram mais atos de controlo. Possíveis justificações para os resultados, bem como implicações práticas dos mesmos, são objeto de discussão.