research article
Efficiency analysis of a modular H-bridge based on SiC MOSFET
Pacher Vega, Julio Cesar
Rodas Benítez, Jorge Esteban
Gregor Recalde, Raul Igmar
Rivera, Marco
Renault, Alfredo
Comparatore Franco, Leonardo David
Several new high-performance power semiconductors have appeared during the last decade, being the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs the most promising to be commercialised as an alternative of Si IGBT. This paper presents the performance analysis of a controller for a full H-bridge based on SiC MOSFET technology used for high frequency and medium voltage applications. The switching performance of a modular H-bridge is analysed and the efficiency/losses and temperature dissipation are experimentally measured in order to help engineers to design and develop circuits using this power semiconductor. A comparison between SiC MOSFET and Si MOSFET is also presented. CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología PROCIENCIA