Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Maconha Medicinal: O enquadramebto midiático da Revista Veja
Lennon, Vargas Casarin
This work intends to investigate the clashes around the review of the regulation of marijuana
for medicinal purposes from the digital platforms of Veja. The discussion around the
regulation of medical marijuana in Brazil has received considerable repercussions in the last
decade, mainly from Bill 399/15, which approved the medical use of marijuana in the
Chamber of Deputies in 2021, which is currently being processed in the Brazilian Senate.
Since then, its development started with a significant conservative reaction that came to
understand such regulation, based on envied conceptions, as a danger to society.
Concomitantly, in the last decade, we have witnessed a massive expansion of internet access,
where an infrastructure of digital platforms has been established that privileges the immediate
sharing of textual, image and audiovisual messages, in a structure that favors both the
reinforcement of prejudices and categories of communication of emotional and moral content.
The research proposal investigated the media framing of Veja magazine in relation to the
regulation of medical marijuana in Brazil from articles published on its website on the subject
between the years 2014 to 2023, to understand how the media, when focusing on a certain
theme and present your specific scheme about it, can influence your audience's perception of
it in a certain way. This is a qualitative research that involved both the analysis of media
production and controversies in public debate in order to reflect on how such frameworks are
associated with Brazilian daily life.