Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
"O exercício da autoridade na docência em ambiente de aprendizagem no âmbito da educação na infância
Mizdal, Debora Boelter
The construction of this activity resulted from an extensive bibliographical research and a set
of pedagogical scenarios, among which I highlight the contents learnt during my academic
training process, the experiences lived as an intern teacher, - opportunity which offered me
contact with the pedagogical demands applied in the environments of elementary school and
early grades - and, especially, the field research performed along two teachers, whose collected
data allowed a comprehensive analysis of the theme. The research problem was stated as "What
factors contribute for educators, in the practice of teaching, to exercise their authority in the
perspective of offering the sine qua non 1
conditions for the student to be the protagonist of his
process of human promotion?" Nominated factors: life experiences; experiences in teaching;
and academic training processes. The qualitative research allowed the analysis of data collected
from the performance of two professors regarding the exercise of their authority. These factors
proved to be fundamental to the exercise of teaching authority in a pedagogical perspective. In
addition, is emphasized that the exercise of teaching authority has its pedagogical primacy. In
order to the student advance in the search of his human promotion and, therefore, reach the
prominence of his history, the teachers who are part of their journey are required to exercise
their teaching authority necessarily in a pedagogical way, which provides the essential
conditions to meet/achieve the educational purposes from the perspective of the human