Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Satisfação profissional de Representantes Comerciais no Rio Grande do Sul
2022-09-21Registro en:
BAIRRIS, D.M. de. Satisfação profissional de Representantes Comerciais no Rio Grande do Sul. 48 p. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2022.
Bairros, Daniel Machado de
Work has always been relevant in the daily lives of the individuals, and it can be seen
in different ways depending on various characteristics such as: culture, subjectivity,
among others. Moreover, work can be perceived as a source of identity and fulfillment.
Job satisfaction is currently essential, being an important mechanism to avoid physical
and/or psychological harm to the subject, besides being essential for the individual to
have full personal development. The present qualitative study aimed to evaluate the
Job Satisfaction of Commercial Representatives in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. For
data collection, biosociodemographic questionnaires were conducted and the Job
Satisfaction Scale (OSI) was used with six sales representatives. The results indicate
that in some items the professionals feel more satisfied, while in others there is
dissatisfaction. When it comes to work flexibility, the members of the research feel
satisfied, this being the item with the highest average. However, in the item related to
salary, experience and responsibility, the average was lower, showing that the
commercial representatives surveyed are dissatisfied with this item. In this manner, it
becomes necessary to pay attention to the job satisfaction of the Commercial
Representatives, in order to improve their quality of life and well-being at work. That
said, it is necessary to have a close look from psychology with issues related to work
and questions regarding the health of the worker, both physical and psychological.