Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A educação ambiental e os conflitos de uso dos recursos hídricos na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Vacacaí e Vacacaí-Mirim, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Silva, Maria Alice Endres Silvério da
This work is embased on several conflicts cases in sites of the Hydrographyc Basins. This
study case uses the Vacacaí and Vacacaí-Mirim Hydrographic Basin (G-6O) situated at
Arroio Lobato river, Arroio Grande District of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State,
southern Brazil. It is embased in civil investigation promoted by the Curadoria de Defesa
Comunitária de Santa Maria realized in 2000th, in according with report from Instituto
Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis/IBAMA, beyond books,
magazines, dissertations, monographs and web sites. An analysis of the illegal land barrier to
the environment, suggesting some aspects to decrease conflicts of hydrics resources related to
rice plantation. Using environmental education concepts were suggested some aspects related
to the water valorization and other instruments. The water is a public resource that needs
rational use because it is finite and bad distributed. The Rio Grande do Sul State had a long
period with dry climate in the last summer 2005 that resulted in many users’ conflicts. This
trouble had be affected the public distribution and land irrigation, chiefly at the Gravataí
Hydrographic Basin, Vacacaí River, Vacacaí-Mirim River and Soturno River, at central
portion of the State. In the course of this work we had maked many questions and suggestions
about the environmental perceptions related to the land irrigators. We presents several
proposals of the environmental education actions at multiple spheres, centered at Community,
alerting that the water is a public resource, finite, with economic value and will need to be
rationally uses in this and for the future generations.