A contação de histórias como possibilidade auto(trans)formativa com professoras
Oliveira, Marilei Almeida de
This Professional Master's research is part of the Pedagogical Management and Educational
Contexts Research Line, of the Graduate Program in Public Policies and Educational
Management at the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS. With it, we seek to tell stories, our
stories and those of other people who join us in studies, reflections and propositions about
storytelling as a self-(trans)formative approach, capable of contributing as a possibility in the
process of welcoming and space-time of permanent self(trans)formative processes with early
childhood education teachers in the municipality of Santa Maria/RS. The main objective of this
research was to understand how storytelling can be carried out in a self-(trans)formative approach
that contributes/welcomes mentally and emotionally fragile teachers in the municipal network of
Santa Maria/RS. In addition, to raise awareness and carry out the self(trans)formation research
with the co-authors, we adopted the political-epistemological proposal of the Investigativeauto(trans)formative Dialogical Circles (HENZ, 2015), as a possibility for each one to say their
word and as a process of permanent self(trans)formation with the participating teachers. We
developed 04 face-to-face meetings with early childhood education teachers from the western
region of Santa Maria/RS; in addition to dialogues, sharing of formative moments and the
organization of a questionnaire with specific questions raised in the Circles. Studies carried out
individually and also shared with the teachers made us understand, know and (re)know that
democratic management and permanent self(trans)formation with teachers are viable for a
hopeful path in which we want to assume our pedagogical and political commitment as
professionals, humans and participants in the construction of a democratic and just society.
Through the awareness brought about by the dialogical-reflective space-times, we feel challenged
to commit to being a protagonist in the struggle for an education of social and human quality, with
dialogued and participatory praxis, at the service of the liberation and humanization of
professional teachers as well. In this sense, based on the circles and other dialogical-reflective
space-times, we identified points in common with the teachers' emotional and mental
illness/exhaustion; as well as, we delimit points related to the welcoming of these teachers and,
in view of this scenario, together, we seek to understand how storytelling emerges as a possibility
to soften these indices, through Auto(trans)formative processes. The dialogues and
systematization of the intervention construct (“final product”) consists of presenting storytelling as
a permanent self(trans)formative approach for early childhood education teachers in the
municipal network of Santa Maria/RS, an explanatory document containing the experiences and
the possibilities of new training processes, based on storytelling, which will be shared with the
municipality's education department and schools, seeking to contemplate the theoretical-practical
constructs of the entire process of this research and organize ways of welcoming fragile
teachers/emotionally and mentally ill.