Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Magreza compulsória: a construção do padrão de beleza e a aversão ao corpo gordo
Machado, Ana Carolina
Historically, it is possible to perceive that the construction of the aesthetic standard undergoes changes as society develops and according to what it deems to be the ideal. These standards are mainly aimed at women, making them insistently seek to achieve perfect beauty and thus controlling female behavior. These patterns, over time, and especially in Western society, have contributed to the stigmatization of the fat body. Thus, especially with regard to women, a kind of obligatory thinness was created, stimulating an aversion to body fat and creating stereotypes that contribute to the social discrimination of fat people and set them apart in various types of social interactions. The cult of the body and appearance become significant presences in women's lives, thus encouraging consumption, supported mainly by the media that use advertising campaigns to encourage and increase standards of beauty and acceptance. In addition to conveying a speech full of symbolism that contributes to the consolidation of models of beauty that shape contemporary society.