Metodologias ativas para o ensino de estrutura proteica e enzimologia no ensino superior
Oliveira, Cláudia Sirlene de
Biochemistry is a discipline with enormous potential for contextualization and
interdisciplinarity, however, it is seen as one of the most difficult disciplines and with
high failure rates among students. Therefore, it is important to adapt teaching strategies
to make Biochemistry classes more interesting, to assist the student in the construction of
knowledge. This dissertation is divided into two independent studies. In the first study,
investigative practical classes were carried out with students from the Biological Sciences
undergraduate course at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Students simulated the
synthesis of the hormone glucagon, from transcription to construction of the 3D model.
The students were motivated, stating that the construction of the protein model
contributed to the construction of knowledge about protein chemistry. In the second
study, classes were held with students from undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences
and Veterinary Medicine at the same university, on the mechanisms of enzyme inhibition.
The enzyme acetylcholinesterase from the head of cockroaches of the species Nauphoeta
cinerea was used. Students tested different factors that alter enzyme activity in vitro and
in vivo. Most of the students showed enthusiasm in working with animals in practical
classes, as well as an improvement in their knowledge of enzymology. Thus, in this
dissertation, it was possible to demonstrate that the use of investigative practical classes
is important for students to build solid knowledge about the contents of the Biochemistry