Os impactos da gestão de talentos e do suporte do supervisor na autoeficácia de servidores públicos
Schuch, Crislei Daiana Oliveira Siqueira
Talent Management (TM) has been indicated as a strategic issue for universities, since it has
the potential to provide the necessary framework for aligning employees and their performance
with the organizational strategy, that is, its structure is suitable to be adopted as a
complementary practice of People Management. In addition to the support of the 'TM Practices',
the 'Supervisor Support (SS)' acts as an important ally in the employees' routine, in view of its
ability to influence the 'Self-Efficacy (SE)' of employees. In this way, these three allied
constructs can contribute to achieving the objectives of the public service. Therefore, the
present study seeks to advance and innovate in this theme from the objective of analyzing the
influence of talent management practices and supervisor support on the perception of selfefficacy of Administrative Technical Servants in Education, in the context of Public
Universities in the South of the country. A specific instrument was developed to evaluate talent
management practices in the public sector and then the adequacy of the integrated model with
the TM, SS and SE constructs was verified, as well as the difference in means between them.
For this, a survey was carried out with 743 individuals, using exploratory and confirmatory
factor analysis and structural equation modeling in order to investigate the proposed
hypotheses. The main results showed the lack of agreement, as well as disagreement regarding
talent management practices (TMPs). On the other hand, it showed that public servants receive
support from their supervisors and that they also have high self-efficacy. In addition, two of the
three proposed hypotheses were confirmed, demonstrating that the TMPs positively influence
the servers' perception of supervisor support (PSS), just as the PSS positively influences their
perception of self-efficacy (PSE), but did not confirm that the TMPs positively influence the
PSE. These results contribute to the literature referring to Talent Management, through the
verification of its practices, as well as the influence of Supervisor Support and a high perception
of Self-efficacy. This study challenges the view of people management in the public service by
presenting an unprecedented instrument in the Brazilian context that identifies the TMPs that
enable the development of public servants and thus contribute to improving the performance of
the public service. In addition, it shows that support from the supervisor is of fundamental
importance within this context, as in addition to contributing to the implementation of the
TMPs, it can also influence performance. The study also expresses a high perception of SE by
the servers, which is crucial to face the daily challenges of the public service.