Now showing items 1-10 of 3822
Student differences in academic self-efficacy: Relating gender, grade level and school type to self efficacy [PowerPoint presentation]
This study sought to (a) investigate the differences in the levels of academic self-efficacy of Jamaican students with respect to gender, grade level, and school type; and (b) explore the sub-constructs that are believed ...
The relationship between affectivity and self-efficacy for the learning of mathematical contents
The causal attributions and dimensions and the academic self-efficacy permeated by the affectivity are fundamental for the school achievement of the undergraduate student. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between ...
Constitution of self-efficacy in the early career of physical education teachers
Problem statement: Teaching self-efficacy is built from teacher's interpretations about and also from the personal values that he attributes to the information selected from the environment. Despite research has investigated ...
Self-efficacy at workplace: validation of spanish versions of Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy ScalesAutoeficacia en el trabajo: validación de las versiones en español de las Escalas de Autoeficacia Ocupacional Emocional, Social y en la Tarea
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología, 2022-04)
La autoeficacia es uno de los recursos más importantes en el trabajo. El objetivo fue adaptar las escalas “Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy at Work”. Participaron 771 empleados argentinos, 58% fueron ...
Academic procrastination of undergraduates : Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination
(Elsevier, 2008)
This article reports two studies exploring the academic procrastination of 456 undergraduates. Study 1 explores the relationships among academic procrastination, self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, self-esteem, and ...
Academic procrastination of undergraduates : Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination
(Elsevier, 2008)
This article reports two studies exploring the academic procrastination of 456 undergraduates. Study 1 explores the relationships among academic procrastination, self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, self-esteem, and ...
Parental Evaluation Scale (EEP): Development, Psychometric Properties and Applications
The Parental Evaluation Scale is a self-administered measure to assess satisfaction and self-efficacy feelings about motherhood in women with children aged 0-2 years. The EEP was initially composed of 20 items and was ...
Relationship between age, category and experience with the soccer referee's self-efficacy
Soccer referees (SRs) encounter stressful situations during competitions and sometimes even outside them, which may affect their decision making. Therefore, it is important that they possess or acquire optimal levels of ...