Mapas, cartas e outras memórias: heterotopias possíveis no cartocontar
Pereira, Luís Henrique Ramalho
How to run on a political development in the training of psychologists? This is the main
questioning that guides the work of the activities proposed by the School Suport Center
(NAE). Since 2017, NAE has become an intervention project in the school-community
of the Western region in the city of Santa Maria and aimed to deepen the interventions of
the psychologists about the community and fundamentally to contribute to the training of
the professionals. The approach of the psychologists in the school-community territory
allowed the broadening of the view to more complex issues of the political life activities.
Therefore, together with teachers, children and families, the psychologists in training
understood the demands of the school-community and suggested ways to intervene in the
community. In these findings in the school-community territory, the method used to
investigate the formative-political effects is called cartocontar, a powerful instrument
between the look of the psychologist in training and the operations carried out with the
subjects involved. This thesis is related to the line of research of the research group on
the social imaginary (GEPEIS). The study aims to investigate the formative experiences
of the psychologists in the public space of the school, seeking to identify processes that
indicate heterogeneous formative processes throught the cartocontar instrument resulting
in an ethical and political formation. The main objective is to investigate how the forms
of suffering that invade the school environment affect teachers, students and families in
an important way. Is it possible that the learning-training process could happen without
dispensing the potency of the ethical-political dimension? How can we seek a political
education? This study aims to produce a reflection on the training processes of the
psychologists from an experience of cartocontar by intervening in the school-community
scene. The psychologists in training at the School Suport Center (NAE), developed by
the Psychology Course from the Luthern University of Brazil (ULBRA), in Santa Maria
through cartocontar instrument. The psychologists presented their experiences via their
testimonial letters and the cartography of the texts produced along the formative
experience. Starting from clinical-educational processes, with the proposal of producing
presence-city writings, image maps and textual cartographies. In cartocontar the
cartographer and the psychologists in training witness a political operator.