Influência das informações relevantes para o trabalho, crenças de autoeficácia e compromisso com as metas orçamentárias na relação entre participação orçamentária e o desempenho gerencial
Oliveira, Raimunda Macilena da Silva de
This research investigates the influence of job-relevant information, self-efficacy beliefs, and
commitment to budget goals on the relationship between budget participation and managerial
performance of controllers of industrial companies operating in Brazil. For this investigation,
it was supported by Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura's, 1977a), under the premise of social
interaction, in which human behavior is the result of the reciprocal influence of cognitive and
personal, behavioral and environmental factors. This descriptive survey research, with a
quantitative data approach, was carried out with 261 controllers, who have budgetary
responsibility in the organization where they work. For data analysis, descriptive statistical
analysis, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling procedures were adopted. The results
found show that budgetary participation has a direct and positive influence on all the variables
investigated. It was also evidenced that job-relevant information promotes self-efficacy beliefs,
commitment to budget targets, and managerial performance. Like commitment to budget goals,
self-efficacy beliefs also have a positive and significant influence on managerial performance.
However, the relationship between self-efficacy and commitment to goals showed no
significant relationship. The analysis of the joint interactive influence of budget participation
with job-relevant information, self-efficacy beliefs, and commitment to budget goals has been
shown to enhance managerial performance. From these results, it can be inferred that, in the
sample analyzed, the managerial performance of controllers who have budget responsibility is
influenced by a set of cognitive and personal factors (self-efficacy), behavioral (commitment
to budget goals) and environmental factors (budget participation, work-relevant information).
In the same way, that the interaction between these factors (self-efficacy, commitment to budget
goals, and relevant work information), when present in the budgeting context, reflect positively
on the cognitive and motivational effects of budget participation, which enhance managerial
performance. It is concluded that the participatory budget setting promotes the availability of
job-relevant information, improving controllers' self-efficacy beliefs and commitment to the
established budget goals, interactions that enhance managerial performance. This research
extends existing knowledge on the cognitive enabling effects of budget participation. It
provides a better understanding of the effects of managerial practices adopted in the budgeting
context, and their effects on the cognitions and behaviors of controllers, contributing that
organizations and managers can rethink budget management practices adopted, with a view to
creating better conditions for the achievement of better managerial performance.