O trabalho das professoras de educação especial na educação profissional e tecnológica
Pôrto, Yasmine Espindola
This study has been developed by the Post Graduation Program in Professional and
Technological Education (PPGEPT) in the context of the Politics and Professional and
Technological Management research line. This construct reverberates the reflections between
the research groups TransformAção – Study and Research Group on Public Policies and
Pedagogical Work in Professional Education, and the Study and Research Group on Special
Education and Intellectual Disability (GEPEEDI). It stems from the problematization: what is
and how is the work of Special Education teachers in Professional and Technological Education
defined (EPT)? The general objective is to analyze what is and how the work of Special
Education teachers in Professional and Technological Education is being defined. The specific
objectives are: to correlate the Public Policies on inclusion and Professional and Technological
Education; to trace the history of the formation of Special Education teachers and the
articulation with the Professional and Technological Education; to get to know the Special
Education teachers involved in the Professional and Technological Education in the Federal
Institutes of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS); to understand the work of Special Education teachers
in the Professional and Technological Education field of a Federal Institute of Rio Grande do
Sul. This is a study with a qualitative approach, whose data was produced through documentary
research, descriptive analysis of previous studies, and from a questionnaire on Google Forms,
and interviews. The research subjects were the Special Education teachers who work in the
Professional Education of the Federal Institutes of Rio Grande do Sul. The interlocutors are
seven professors graduated in Special Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM). In an interval of 15 years, they have all continued with their studies and postgraduation. Data analysis was based on Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011). Three categories
were predefined and have permeated the entire study: Initial Training, Professional and
Technological Education, and Work. As the results of the research, it is perceived that there are
several factors yet to be encouraged by intertwining the context and the public policies from
the analysis of the three categories defined a priori, although it is possible to observe a growth
and appreciation of the inclusion in EPT and of the Special Education teacher in EPT. With this
research, the debates on the interface Special Education and Technological Education and
Special Education were expanded and so was the visibility of the work and the challenges of
the Special Education teacher. The articulations were also highlighted as a way to incentive the
pedagogical and formative work of teachers of all areas, and to guarantee education with
qualified professionals to the students with disabilities in the contexts of the EPT; and in the
perspective of an access, permanence and success policy in their schooling and
professionalization. Therefore, it is necessary to expand studies on the work and pedagogical
work of the Special Education teacher so that the inclusion policy is effected and expanded in
the Professional Education Network.