Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Reflexão crítico-construtiva da prática pedagógica e busca de alternativas para a superação de problemas na escola
Silveira, Zênia Lemes
In so far as great part of the population encounter themselves excluded of the
absolute participation on the decisions which determine the courses of the
society, it is indispensable a critique action in education, as politic liberating
instrument, which consider the student subject social-politic-cultural, capable of
to assume responsibilities, to realize choices and to have decisions based on
ethic criterions. This work presents the report of past experiences during about
twelve years, by a teacher of the discipline of Portuguese Idiom on the
Fundamental and Medium Instruction. Proposed for the Specialization Course
in Education in a Global Focalization, the work, through of the retrospective of
the experiences as an educator and your posterior reflection, it purpose to
actuate as agent promoter of a proposal to overcome problems evidenced in a
school, where the teacher execute your activities nowadays. It is used as an
abstract base, the next authors: Paulo Freire, Marisa Vorraber Costa, Maria
Cândida Moraes, Anntoni Zabala, Fernando Hernández e Montservat Ventura.
The reported experiences are result of pedagogyc practices developed in four
schools where the diversity social-cultural and economic of the students is
evidencied and considerate by the authoress to the construction of a
methodology which inform and bring conscience to the formation of able and
free people.