Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Avaliação dos serviços do sistema integrado de atendimento ao cidadão – SIAC/unidade centro, na percepção do usuário/cidadão
2017Registro en:
SOUZA, João Batista Almeida
The present article aims to evaluate the services of the Integrated Citizen Attendance System -
SIAC Centro unit, in the perception of the user / citizen. For this, a descriptive, exploratory
and qualitative research was carried out, with a sample of 100 (one hundred) users who seek
care in said Integrated System, through a form with closed questions. The results of the
research show that efficiency, clarity, objectivity of information, promptness, receptivity,
performance, cordiality, responsibility, satisfaction, among others, are part of the service
performed by the servers of said System. It is concluded that these results are reflected in the functional investment that the Agency provides with its employees, through a training
program, which covers several points related to excellence, such as: emotional intelligence,
interpersonal relationships, humanized care, Motivation and performance at work; As well as
commitment, etc., that prepare the servers to develop a quality service in front of the users'
needs. However, the research also showed that the infrastructure of the Integrated Citizen
Attendance System - SIAC Centro unit still does not serve users with special needs, as it was
found that in their dependencies, the access of wheelchair users is limited, because they do not
Have an accessible elevator, that is, adapted to this clientele, besides the ramp does not meet
the requirements of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT, among other
important adjustments to favor social inclusion.