Universidade Federal do Amapá - UNIFAP (Brasil)
Guia de diretrizes para implantação de Repositório Institucional
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2021)Considering the relevance of scientific knowledge produced in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education - IFES, the Institutional Repository - R I has the role of boosting technological development and innovation, ... -
Atuação da enfermagem no cuidado de pacientes com fístula arteriovenosa: uma revisão integrativa
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objective: To identify the role of nursing in the care of patients on hemodialysis with arteriovenous fistula. Methods: integrative literature review, carried out at the VHL, Academic Google and Journal Portal of ... -
Musicoterapia sobre o nível de dor e ansiedade em pessoas com feridas de difícil cicatrização
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objective: To investigate the level of anxiety in people with chronic wounds, as well as measure blood pressure (BP), heart rate (BPM) and identify the level of anxiety in people with chronic wounds before and after ... -
Condição de saúde e doença dos cuidadores familiares de portadores de parkinson ou alzheimer
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2020)Objective: Identify how Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease can influence the health or the probable appearance of diseases in the caregiver of the Macapa Reviver Extension project. Methods: This is an exploratory, ... -
O abstracionismo e Wassily Kandinsky
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 1995)Since the beginning of our era, we have always felt the need to express the way we see and especially how we feel the world around us. Art is the most appropriate and significant "tool" to denote and express in depth the ... -
Fatores de risco associados ao suicídio na adolescência: atividade educativa e participativa realizada com escolares
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objectives: To analyze the risk factors associated with suicide in adolescence, as well as to carry out health education to prevent and expand students' knowledge about suicide. Methodology: This is a descriptive study ... -
Terra de guerreiros: a história do jiu-jitsu amapaense
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)This work of course completion intends to report, through an audiovisual documentary, in the experimental project modality, the process of implantation of jiu-jitsu in the state of Amapá. This communication product aims ... -
Visita guiada de gestantes na maternidade: projeto piloto de extensão universitária
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objective: To report the experience of two nursing students in a university extension activity for the early connection of pregnant women and their companions to the place of delivery. Method: This is an experience report ... -
Qualidade de vida de idosos em hemodiálise no extremo norte do brasil
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objectives: this study aims to determine the profile and analyze the quality of life of elderly people undergoing hemodialysis in a Nephrology Clinic in Macapá. Methods: We had 37 elderly patients go through a sociodemographic ... -
Comunicação pública e assessoria de imprensa – Estudo de caso na secretaria de estado da saúde do Amapá
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)The present work aims to analyze to what extent the communication actions of the Secretary of State for Health (SESA), materialized in the content exposed to citizens on its website, relate to what is expected from the ... -
No ponto: Aluga-se corpo - Narrativas de profissionais do sexo
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)The book report, In Point: For Rent Body. Narratives of Sex Workers, aim to report the lives of sex workers, presenting a narrative about their memories from childhood until the moment of choosing this profession, through ... -
Conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre desbridamento de feridas em uma unidade de terapia intensiva na amazônia
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Objective: To evaluate nurses' knowledge in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital unit in the Amazon about the types of wound debridement. Methods: This is descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative research. Data were ... -
Desafios da vacinação para controle da covid-19 no brasil
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2021)This article aims to present a documentary analysis regarding the challenges of vaccination to control COVID-19 in Brazil. This is a descriptive study, with a research question elaborated according to the TQO strategy. ... -
Intervenções pedagógicas diferenciadas como estratégias de aprendizagem no ensino de botânica no município de Macapá - AP
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)The teaching of botany is traditionally qualified by the lack of interest on the part of the students. This is due to several factors, such as the fact of presenting difficult concepts and words and the difficulties faced ... -
Contribuições do ensino lúdico para a percepção de alunos de uma escola pública de Macapá sobre os anfíbios anuros
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)This study aimed to investigate the knowledge of students of a public school in the city of Macapá-Amapá about anurans (frogs, frogs and tree frogs), presenting some of the main species that make up the anurofauna of Amapá ... -
Uma abordagem para o ensino de engenharia de requisitos focada no aluno
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2019)Requirements Engineering is an area within Software Engineering that is primarily concerned with ensuring that the objectives for which software is developed are satisfactorily met at the end of product creation. It is ... -
Manual de Propriedade Intelectual SETEC - AP
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2021)This Intellectual Property Handbook arises from a partnership between the Secretariat of State of Science and Technology – SETEC and the Professional Master's Program in Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology ... -
Otimização neuro postural - reac sobre estresse e qualidade de vida em crianças institucionalizadas em uma capital na amazônia brasileira
(UNIFAP - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁBrasil, 2022)Institutional care is a measure of state intervention with the purpose of guaranteeing and restore an individual's basic rights. Thus, sheltered children who suffered from Psychosocial adversities carry a high risk for ... -
Impressões corporais tatuando uma identidade construindo a si mesmo através do corpo e do outro
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2015)In this monograph, a qualitative research is carried out that consists of defending the tattoo as an identity mark, thinking of the body as a diary, the skin as pages and tattoos as writings and figures printed and pasted ... -
Transtorno bipolar e cotidiano na universidade: fotografias, memórias e história de vida
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2015)This work through a photo essay shows the day-to-day academic inserted with bipolar disorder in the academic daily life, their difficulties, problems and impressions. The objective sought to provide support for other ...