Nabbi Cannabis Medicinal
Kustner Escobar, Uwe Mauricio
Nabbi was born with the idea of an entrepreneurial project, with academic purposes, whose goal is the national commercialization of products for personal care and wellness based on Cannabidiol (CBD), which differs from other proposals in the market for its strong sense of social and environmental responsibility, as well as for the origin of its crops. The first product with which it will be in the market, are the Hemp Gummies, CBD gummies, and its operation will be under the maquila figure. After conducting some practical exercises such as interviews and empathy maps with potential buyers and analyzing the national competition, the decision was made to implement a business to consumer (B2C) business model, which allows the application of communication strategies through digital media to promote the purchase and consumption of the customer. Likewise, it is very important to generate responsible purchasing needs, and even more so in products with unknown components for many, such as CBD, as a venture the focus is not only on marketing a product, but in communicating real information about all its ingredients, benefits and properties, also seeking to convey a message of social and environmental awareness. In order to further ground the business idea, a segmentation was carried out to identify the size of the potential market and identify the means through which to reach these buyers and determine the strategy through which it will be positioned in the market, in the most realistic and cost-effective way possible. Finally, after carrying out quotations and comparison exercises with the competition, the costs, price and sales projection of the business model were established, corroborating its feasibility and potential.