Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)
Sindrome Tilt: reporte de caso
Triquetral impingement is a medical condition that affects the wrist and is characterized by compression of the triquetral complex. This condition can be caused by different factors, such as traumatic injuries, joint wear, ... -
Caracterizando la informalidad. Un análisis sobra la migración, el género, los jóvenes, la educación y la tecnología en la informalidad
(Editorial Universidad del RosarioEconomía, 2023)A significant portion of the labor market in the countries of the Global South consists of the informal population. In Colombia alone, informality represented 58.2% of the labor force between September and November 2022. ... -
Trabajos empíricamente formales sobre la informalidad
Second of three books proposed within the Colombia Científica-Alianza efi project in its Macroeconomic component, this study contains empirical results obtained with method ological and instrumental rigor. The estimates ... -
Decreto Rectoral 1787: Creación del programa de Maestría en Comunicación Política Digital, de tipo profundización y modalidad biended
(Universidad del Rosario, 2023-08-15) -
Límites materiales al poder de reforma, enmiendas a la Constitución de 1991 y originalismo orgánico
The creation of the control of constitutionality due to competition defects via jurisprudence, in clear contravention of article 241 of the Constitution, highlights the need to strengthen the competence limits that the ... -
Estudio de Caso: Banco de Instrumentos Musicales de la Fundación Siemens
This paper explores a future reading of the case study: Musical Instruments Bank (M.I.B.) of the Siemens Foundation, within the Colombian society. The M.I.B. is characterized by providing direct support to young music ... -
De Somondoco pa´Sumerce. Consolidación y promoción del turismo cultural y religioso por medio de la planeación estratégica del modelo de gestión, fortaleciendo la identidad y tradiciones campesinas en Somondoco, Valle de Tenza, Boyacá.
Somondoco is a municipality located on the Andes mountain range, in the east of Boyacá and is part of the Tenza Valley, the legacy of this municipality is indigenous, coming from the Chibcha family, Muisca dialect. It is ... -
Shake and Serve global marketing plan for drink´s catering platform
Shake and Serve as a beverage catering business is interested into taking the small and local company into the digital universe in order to get more brand recognition and awareness with the help of a platform and social ... -
La ortografía: aspectos relevantes y uso de mayúsuclas y minúsculas
Multimedia resource of the mooc "Correction of legal texts" in which the moments in which upper and lower case should be used when writing a text are exposed. -
Plan Parcial de Renovación Urbana "Paseo del Castillo"
The Urban Renewal Plan "Paseo del Castillo" is a theoretical-practical exercise in which a master plan for urban renewal is formulated in the center of Bogotá, within the framework of the Land Use Plan - POT adopted by ... -
Caracterización de comunidades virales en muestras fecales de bovinos de la provincia de Ubaté, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Viral infections can have a significant impact on the health of bovine livestock, with consequences that extend to economic productivity, human health, and the health of other animals. Identifying the viruses present in ... -
Navegando en aguas turbulentas. Vicente Arbeláez y las relaciones Estado-Iglesia durante el Olimpo Radical
This monograph seeks to analyze State-Church relations in Colombia during the 1870s in light of selected passages from the priestly life of Vicente Arbeláez, the archbishop of Bogotá between 1868 and 1884. From these ... -
Estilos de párrafos
Multimedia resource of the mooc "Correction of legal texts" in which some descriptions of types of paragraphs are presented, important to achieve more effective communication of ideas and arguments. -
El artículo y su relación con el lenguaje inclusivo
Multimedia resource of the mooc "Correction of legal texts" in which inputs are given to know if a word is masculine or feminine and the parameters established to correctly use inclusive language are disclosed. -
Evolución del cómic como producto cultural y social
Audiovisual resource belonging to the mooc "Social conflicts through the contemporary graphic novel" in which the evolution of the narration is explained through the union between image and text that gave rise to the comic ... -
Historia del cómic
Multimedia resource belonging to the mooc "Social conflicts through the contemporary graphic novel" in which a tour of the first modern manifestations of short stories that integrate text and drawing is made.