Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Representación y análisis de los procesos de desintegración de las partículas subatómicas aplicando el formalismo del Análisis de Redes
2022-09-27Registro en:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Repositorio Institucional Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Naizaque Gomez, Camilo Andres
Comprender el estado final de colisiones de partículas de altas energías es un problema teórico y experimental extremadamente difícil, por esta razón, la comunidad de física de altas energías (High Energy Physics) (HEP) ha ido recurriendo a herramientas informáticas, entre ellas se encuentran bases de datos que describen los procesos de desintegración de las partículas subatómicas. Gracias a esta información las relaciones de partículas se pueden explorar bajo análisis de redes. Por medio de la representación gráfica como también el método de análisis estructural para dar explicación de las relaciones entre comunidades e individuos con las relaciones entre partículas subatómicas descubiertas en el contexto de procesos de desintegración. (Texto tomado de la fuente) Understanding the nal state of high energy phisics collisions is an extremely di cult theoretical and experimental problem because it has been found that the interrelationships of
particles during collisions can lead to complex problems. Because of this, many techniques
have been developed to solve these types of problems, leading to the development of Monte
Carlo simulations to be used to compare the collisions and determine the geometry and other
parameters of the detector positions.
For these reasons, the high-energy physics (HEP) community has been looking for software
tools, including EvtGen, which contains databases describing decay processes, and more.
On EvtGen, there are process explaining the transition of the particle state into a series of
resulting states that are generally stable relative to the original state. Considering one of
those database, a set of relationships between particles, which led to the starting point of
this work, as particle relationships can be studied under network analysis.
The relationship between subatomic particles found in decay processes is described and
measured through graphical representations, as well as structural analysis methods studied
in many branches of research, primarily to describe and measure the relationship between
communities and individuals. By looking for possible rules that describe intrinsic physical
properties in new ways, measures are sought that provide information about these transformation processes and allow direct and indirect relationships to be established within the
measurement framework.