Evaluating the rapid automatized naming and arithmetical fluency relationship in Chilean first grade students
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José-Pablo Escobar, Felipe Porflitt & Francisco Ceric (2021) Evaluating the rapid automatized naming and arithmetical fluency relationship in Chilean first grade students, Educational Psychology, 41:6, 730-747, DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2021.1900545
Escobar, José Pablo
Porflitt, Felipe
Ceric, Francisco
Several studies have shown that Rapid Automatised Naming (RAN) is an important reading predictor. However, it has also been found that RAN is a valid predictor of mathematical performance. This study explores the relationship between RAN,
counting and arithmetic fluency in Chilean first graders. A total of 102 participants were evaluated with RAN letters, phonological awareness, counting, arithmetical fluency, inhibition and verbal working memory. Results show moderate correlations between
RAN and counting with arithmetical fluency. After controlling for the effect of all the variables, RAN still explains a significant variance of arithmetical fluency. Although the nature of the relationship between RAN and arithmetical fluency is multi-componential, our results only confirm the role of working memory when simultaneous counting is considered in the model.
Therefore, RAN is not only an important cognitive variable related to reading processes but also a key one for mathematical skills, especially when they involve a fluency component.