Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46210
The role of test context in latent inhibition of conditioned inhibition: Part of a search for general principles of associative interference
(Springer, 2015)
In two lick suppression experiments with rats, we assessed interference with behavior indicative of conditioned inhibition by a latent inhibition treatment as a function of test context. We asked what effect the test context ...
Perceptual, cognitive and response inhibition in emotional contexts in children.
(American Psychological Association, 2020-04)
Inhibitory control is 1 of the main executive functions responsible for stopping or attenuating interference generated by prepotent tendencies linked with emotion, thought, or behavior that could interfere with goal ...
The relationship between the rumination style and perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral inhibition.
(American Psychological Association, 2016-12)
Rumination is defined as an emotion regulation strategy that consists of focusing on negative thoughts and feelings. It is important to identify the factors that make some people prone to this response style. The goal of ...
Évitement signalé et inhibition de délai chez les enfantsConditioned avoidance and inhibition of delay in children
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Conditioned avoidance and inhibition of delay in childrenÉvitement signalé et inhibition de délai chez les enfants
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Calcium carbonate scale inhibition using the “allotropic cell” device
(Desalination, 2013-01-16)
Inhibition effects of ionic and non-ionic derivatives of imidazole compounds on hydrogen permeation during carbon steel pickling
Hydrogen embrittlement can occur when atomic hydrogen is absorbed by steel during the acid cleaning process. In the literature, studies of corrosion inhibition by organic compounds in acid solutions have not given attention ...
Antiplatelet activity and TNF-α release inhibition of phthalimide derivatives useful to treat sickle cell anemia
Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) is one of the most prevalent hereditary hematological diseases worldwide. The disease is characterized by chronic inflammation, hypercoagulable state, and pro-thrombotic profile, which lead the ...
Staphylococcal biofilm on the surface of catheters: Electron microscopy evaluation of the inhibition of biofilm growth by rnaiii inhibiting peptide
Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) have become the main causative agents of medical device-related infections due to their biofilm-forming capability, which protects them from the host’s ...