Pre-service teachers perception of corrective feedback provided through Google docs and colaborative error correction
Bravo Zúñiga, Javiera
Espinoza Aguayo, Laura
Seminario de Investigación para optar al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación y al título profesional de Profesor de Inglés This research is aimed at analyzing the perception of pre-service teachers regarding feedback provision through a collaborative virtual environment. The virtual platform used for this study was Google Docs, an application incorporated by Google in order to share documents online. Twenty pre service teachers of English, from a university in Talcahuano, took part in this study.
Since this is a qualitative research, the method used to gather the necessary data was based on a “case study”, consisting of an interview applied to these twenty participants, who had had previous experiences working collaboratively through Google docs in classes focused on developing writing skills. The interview had two dimensions in order to cover the two main elements of this study: Feedback in a virtual environment and collaborative error correction.
After the interviews were applied, the data was analyzed through the content analysis technique. The results drawn from this research revealed that pre-service teachers’ perceptions differed when it came to feedback provision through Google docs and when it came to collaborative error correction.