Now showing items 1-10 of 16703
Analysis of exact linearization and aproximate feedback linearization techniques
(Brasil, 2011)
This paper presents a study of linear control systems based on exact feedback linearization and approximate feedback linearization. As exact feedback linearization is applied, a linear controller can perform the control ...
Effect of metalinguistic feedback on Chilean preservice teachers’ written use of the third person singular suffix -s
(Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, 2020)
Síntese de sistemas estritamente reais positivos através do critério de routh-hurwitz
Given a linear time-invariant plant Gol(s) with one input and q outputs, where q > 1, a method based on the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion is proposed to obtain a constant tandem matrix F ∈ ℝq, such that FGOl(s) is a ...
Síntese de sistemas estritamente reais positivos através do critério de routh-hurwitz
Given a linear time-invariant plant Gol(s) with one input and q outputs, where q > 1, a method based on the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion is proposed to obtain a constant tandem matrix F ∈ ℝq, such that FGOl(s) is a ...
H ∞ state feedback control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems through linear matrix inequalities
This paper addresses the H ∞ state-feedback control design problem of discretetime Markov jump linear systems. First, under the assumption that the Markov parameter is measured, the main contribution is on the LMI ...
O feedback corporativo está em xeque? Um estudo de caso da percepção de um grupo de funcionários sobre feedback corporativo em uma empresa de tecnologia
Apenas 15% dos profissionais no mundo dizem estar comprometidos com seu trabalho atual e mencionam oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional como um dos principais fatores de engajamento, que buscam nas organizações. ...