Tesis de maestría
Finite element analysis of stretch bending for advanced high strength steels (AHSS)-Edición Única
González Zúñiga, Ángel
Eight years ago, no vehicle produced in North America contained Advanced
High Strength Steels (AHSS) but today almost every new vehicle coming on the
market has applications of AHSS. AHSS enable the use of thinner components,
which yields better vehicle performance and higher fuel efficiency. Stretch
Bending Test (SBT) has been commonly used because it emulates bending and
stretching conditions that are common in stamping processes. SBT can also be
used to evaluate and rank material formability.
The proposed methodology of this study is used to predict failure in stretch
bending of AHSS using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Different criteria are used
in order to predict fracture in stretch bending of AHSS and one important factor
is studied: punch radius vs. sheet thickness ratio (R/t). The proposed
methodology is based on the works developed by [Sriram, 2003] and [Uko, 1977].