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To be a good doctor and a doctor good, in the era of Artificial Intelligence
Diaz Alday, Jorge Luis; Villegas Delgado, Caridad Guadalupe; Delgado Villegas, Carlos Héctor
Self-determination and cognitive bias in triage. Recognize the limitation of your own knowledge
Avilés-Martínez, Karla Isis; Alvarado-Contreras, Ana Karen; Panduro-Espinoza, Beatríz Verónica
How to include bioethics in medical careers with innovative curricula?
Buedo, Paola; Silberman, Pedro
An innovative experience in of medicalsocial integration in the training of doctors
Lozano Pérez, Fernando Raymundo
Calidad de sueño, somnolencia e insomnio en estudiantes de medicina durante la pandemia de COVID-19
Rubio-Zapata, Héctor Armando; Vela-Ordoñez, David; Pérez-Herrera, Norma Elena; Estrella-Castillo, Damaris Francis
Validity evidence of an instrument to assess the teachers’ digital competence in medical education
Massieu Paulin, Alain; Barriga-Arceo, Frida Díaz; Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor; Martínez González, Adrián
Comparative study between the forensic medicine course programs offered by Costa Rican universities
Flores Sandí, Grettchen; Leiva Gabriel, Kevin; Alvarado Guevara, Ana Teresa; Rodríguez Lara, Andrés Gerardo
Development and validation of the Comprehensive Preparedness for Service in Neglected Communities Questionnaire (C-PISCO)
Flores-Cohaila, Javier Alejandro; Miranda-Chávez, Brayan; Huaman- Ramírez, Karla Elizabeth; Copaja-Corzo, Cesar; Rivarola-Hidalgo, Marco
Prebriefing: How are standards of Best Practice implemented? An experience from Argentina
Latugaye, Dolores; Astoul Bonorino, Carolina
Factors associated with academic performance in university students in Latin America in 2023
Real-Delor, Raúl Emilio; Guevara Tirado, Alberto; Morales Ojeda, Ismael Antonio; Chibas Muñóz, Eduardo Enrique; Cañete Cáceres, Elena Denice; Carballo Almeida, María José; Flor Lugo, Dalba Noemí; Noldin Villasanti, Ana Elisa; Pereira Salles, Vitor; Sanabria Cañete, Néstor Fabián; Alvarenga Ferreira, María Eugenia; Ríos Pagnussatt, Matheus; Zaracho Miranda, Araceli; González Vera, Guillermo Rafael
Dropout from an online course in applied statistics for health research
Racchumí-Vela, Augusto; Sanchez, Leny; Quispe-Juli, Cender U.
How to learn to prevent and detect plagiarism? Comparison of two teaching methods
Padilla-Santamaría, Fernando; Ferman-Cano, Floribel; Maya-Franco, Lucero
Prevalence of perception of violent behavior during social service in physicians in Mexico
Robles-Rivera, Karina; Limón-Rojas, Ana Elena; Wakida-Kuzunoki, Guillermo Hideo; Morales-Carmona, Ricardo Octavio; Silva-Lópezd, Yadira Patricia; Ramírez-Grycuk, Ma. Teresa
Precision medical education: Impossible dream?
Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor
Research in Medical Education
Editorial, Oficina
The search for validity evidence in educational evaluation: Can we build bridges between theory and practice?
Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor
Funciones ejecutivas y gestión del aprendizaje autorregulado en estudiantes de carreras de medicina y salud
Lepe-Martínez, Nancy; Pinochet-Quiroz, Palmenia; Gálvez-Gamboa, Francisco; Moreno-Cerda, María; Tapia-Castro, Yanina; Durán-González, Esperanza
Five concepts to strengthen workplace-based learning
Domínguez Torres, Luis Carlos; Vega Peña, Neil Valentín; Leal Camacho, Jaime Andrés
Clinical simulation as educative strategy for clinical reasoning development of undergraduate physiotherapy students
Westermeier Castillo, Gabriela; Monrroy Uarac, Manuel; Barría Pailaquilén, Mauricio
Nursing students' perception of teaching assistants in simulated practices
Romero Narváez, Lorena Elizabeth; Ayala Herrera, José Luis; Alarcón Figueroa, Diego Patricio; Fernández Núñez, Cristian David
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