Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Simulador computacional para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento para futebol de robôs
Montenegro, Fabrício Julian Carini
The humanoid robot soccer competition that happens in RoboCup gathers knowledge
from various fields of technology. For the development of high-level behavior strategies we can
use a computer simulator to eliminate the need to have a constantly available robot for the work
to evolve. Besides eliminating this need, the ideal scenario would be that the simulator could
be used as a development environment. This could be done by creating abstractions to the user
so that the code developed in the simulator can be ported to the real robot transparently.
The problem with this idea is the lack of a computer simulator applied to robotics that
keeps both a high level of abstraction and a hardware compatibility commitment. On the one
hand there are powerful simulators but with a low level of abstraction and on the other there
are soccer simulators that simplify the problem by creating a good level of abstraction but
are not related to robotics. The remaining question is: can we have a computer simulator
applied to robotics that at the same time has a high level of abstraction and maintains hardware
To achieve this goal, we need to adopt a standard data communication between sensors
and actuators and the agent who owns them. This paper suggests using the JSON format.
JSON provides a generic representation of objects that is at the same time simple, compact and
comprehensive. We can simplify the necessary information about the objects perceived in the
environment and the commands to be passed to the actuators.
With this goal in mind we created a 2D computer simulator using python as programming
language and pygame as graphic library. The level of abstraction was achieved successfully
making it possible for the behavior strategy programmer to keep focus on the logic of his
algorithm, abstracting how the robot works.
The simulator also provides an environment for creating and testing behavior strategies,
but is pending on the verification of code portability. Nevertheless, it is easy to see that we can
adapt the robot code so that communication with the behavior strategy is made following the
standards specified in this paper, thus making it possible for the code created in the simulator to
be ported seamlessly to the robot.