Now showing items 1-10 of 5024
Driving Sonnet through a Python-based interface
(ACES Int. Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2013)
MPI and PETSc for Python
(Nova Publishers, 2010)
This work reports our attempts to facilitate the access to high-performance parallel computing resources within a Python programming environment. The outcome of this effort are two open source and public domain packages, ...
Parallel distributed computing using Python
(Elsevier, 2011-09)
This work presents two software components aimed to relieve the costs of accessing high-performance parallel computing resources within a Python programming environment: MPI for Python and PETSc for Python. MPI for Python ...
Driving Sonnet through a Python-based interface
(ACES Int. Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2011-03)
Driving Sonnet through a Python-based interface
(ACES Int. Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2011-03)
PYTHON Paso a paso
Este libro explica cómo programar usando el lenguaje Python paso a paso y desde cero. En su redacción se ha puesto especial atención en la sencillez y la facilidad de comprensión, usando ejemplos prácticos y funcionales y ...
PYTHON Paso a paso
Este libro explica cómo programar usando el lenguaje Python paso a paso y desde cero. En su redacción se ha puesto especial atención en la sencillez y la facilidad de comprensión, usando ejemplos prácticos y funcionales y ...
Gerenciamento de processos de negócios com BPM e automatização de atividades e tarefas com PythonGerenciamento de Processos de Negócios e Automação de Atividades e TarefasBPM e Automação PythonGerenciamento de Processos de Negócios com BPM e Automação de Atividades e Tarefas com PythonGestão de Processos com BPM e Automação de Processos com PythonBusiness Process Management with BPM and Tasks Automation with PythonBPM and automation with PythonBPM and Python
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Biomédica, 2022)
Driving Sonnet through a Python-based interface
(ACES Int. Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2013)
Techniques for high-performance distributed computing in computational fluid mechanics
This thesis reports the attempts to facilitate the access to high-performance parallel computing resources within a Python programming environment. The net result of this effort are two open
source and public domain packages, ...