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Universidad de La Serena (Chile)
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Universidad de La Serena (Chile)
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Universidad de La Serena (Chile): últimos ingresos
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 394
Poetics of abscence: black humor as a spelling of existence in the poetry of Rodrigo Lira
Oróstegui Iribarren, Daniela; Simunovic Díaz, Horacio
Lexicographic Training. What Knowledge Must the Lexicographers of the 21St Century Possess And Where To Acquire Them
Camacho Niño, Jesús
Reseña: Sarrocchi, Augusto (2014). Erotismo y homosexualidad en la narrativa chilena. Santiago de Chile: Piso Diez Ediciones. 266 páginas.
Ibarra Cordero, Andrés
El discurso político o el poder del lenguaje
Pastene Labrín, Federico
Functional-appraisal patterns in referee reports of research articles
Fuentes Cortés, Miguel; Covarrubias, Magdalena; Soza, Josefa; Cabezas, Paula; Varas, Germán; Sabaj, Omar
The “official” knowledge of the unconscious in Argentina. A discursive study of the Revista de Psicoanálisis (1946-1955)
Savio, Karina
The ortographic practice of the Chilean neographer movement as a glotopolitical act
Villarroel, Natalia
The Neologisms Of The Bolivarian Revolution: Case Analysis Of The Digital Written Press Of The First Semester Of 2018
Martínez-Lara, José Alejandro
Writing for pedagogical reflection: conceptions and discursive genres that students write in two pedagogical careers
Jarpa Azagra, Marcela; Becerra Rojas, Nelson
Use and acquisition of articles in Spanish as a second language
Valenzuela, Paulina; Toledo, Gloria
Discourse Reconstruction of a Professor and her Admission to a Community of Practice
Lizasoain, Andrea
Analysis of infinitive phrases, clauses and constructions in textbooks of French as a foreign language
Quintero Ramírez, Sara; Valenzuela Indart, Nadia
La lingüística clínica: discriminación disciplinaria y aproximación nocional desde la transversalidad
Jiménez Ruiz, Juan Luis
First Person and Body Ownership
Sanhueza Rodríguez, Sebastián
The APPRAISAL system as a theoretical-methodological tool for the social and ideological study of discourse
Oteíza, Teresa; Pinuer, Claudio
Psychosocial characteristics and argumentative density in elderly people
Noemi, Cristián; Rossel, Sebastián
Zubiri and Heidegger as interpreters of the origin of language from the Chaos and the aesthetic: the Parmenides Poem
Espinoza Lolas, Ricardo; Mizón, Luis; Ascorra, Paula
The Paradox of the Unborn as the Consummation of Evil in Georg Trakl. Grodek Reading
Peña Arroyave, Alejandro
Lucía Natale (coordinadora). En carrera: escritura y lectura de textos académicos y profesionales. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento, 2012, 240 páginas. ISBN: 978-987-630-119-0
Valenzuela Muñoz, Ángel
La Quintrala en Estocolmo: El mito de la Quintrala: estructuras simbólicas en dos novelas de Gustavo Frías, por Jasmín Belmar Shagulian. Stockholms Universitet 2017 ISBN 978-91-7649-819-4
Cifuentes-Aldunate, Claudio
2011 - 2020
2001 - 2010
1951 - 2000
1901 - 1950
1800 - 1900
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