Mercadeo, Vallenpaz
Lombana Astaiza , Vanessa
Mora Arboleda , Carolina
In this Project we worked in the level of positioning of the brand Cosechas de Paz
of the corporation for development and peace of southwestern of Colombia,
VallenPaz. The analysis was development in the segment of consumers of organic
farmer’s products, through to quantitative investigation with consumer surveys and
interviews with staff of the corporation. Where the profile was obtained Target
Market, composed for women of thirty years or more with families of 3 or 4
members. Also we could identify the different associations to the Brand, good
quality, and good taste, free of chemicals and excels the contribution to the
products to the peace. Also we established that the level of brand recall is low in
the segment of the category and the brand has a good image in the consumers. All
this was carried for the interest out to evaluate the Effectiveness of strategic
marketing decisions through the positioning indicator in the category of these
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