Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Soymilk fermentation and enzymes production
(CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group, 2012)
Soy products have an excellent status for their high protein content, and soy proteins contain enough of all the essential amino acids to meet biological requirements when consumed at the recommended level of protein intake. ...
Combined high hydrostatic pressure and thermal treatments fully inactivate trypsin inhibitors and lipoxygenase and improve protein solubility and physical stability of calcium-added soymilk
The objective of this work was to assess the possibility of obtaining calcium-added soymilk with acceptable characteristics regarding protein solubility and physical stability, and inactivation of trypsin inhibitors and ...
Increasing the bioavailability of soy isoflavones using lactic acid bacteria
(Nova Science Publishers, 2013)
Interest in soybeans and soy-based products has grown significantly in the last decade due to their reported nutritional and health-promoting benefits. Researchers have credited phytochemicals in soybeans, especially ...
Food bars formulated with soy residue
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2010)
Effect of Okara Flour Addition on the Physical and Sensory Quality of Wheat Bread
(Med Crave, 2017-09)
This study was carried out to develop bread with improved nutritional qualityfrom a soymilk residue, okara, which is considered a foodstuff low-calorie andrich in fiber. Bread was prepared by substituting wheat flour by ...
Quality assessment of dried okara as a source of production of gluten-free flour
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-07)
BACKGROUND: Okara is a by-product of soymilk and of tofu elaboration that is rich in protein, fiber and vegetable oils as a source of gluten-free flour. In order to take advantage of the nutritional characteristics of okara ...
Encapsulación de probióticos para aplicaciones alimenticiasEncapsulation of probiotics for food applications
(Universidad de Caldas, 2016)
Ice cream processing with different concentrations of soy MILK (Glycine max)Elaboración de helado con diferentes concentraciones de leche de soya (Glycine max)
(Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, 2020)