Effect of Okara Flour Addition on the Physical and Sensory Quality of Wheat Bread
2017-09Registro en:
Ostermann Porcel, María Victoria; Campderrós, Mercedes Edith; Rinaldoni, Ana Noelia; Effect of Okara Flour Addition on the Physical and Sensory Quality of Wheat Bread; Med Crave; MOJ Food Processing & Technology; 4; 9-2017; 1-7
Ostermann Porcel, María Victoria
Campderrós, Mercedes Edith
Rinaldoni, Ana Noelia
This study was carried out to develop bread with improved nutritional qualityfrom a soymilk residue, okara, which is considered a foodstuff low-calorie andrich in fiber. Bread was prepared by substituting wheat flour by okara at 5, 7.5and 10%. Based on preliminary results, breads made with okara improved manynutritional aspects compare with the control (without okara). Okara increasedthe total dietary fiber and protein content of bread. A darkening was observedin breads with okara regarding the control sample. Control and 5-O samplespresented a structure of the crumb with a greater number of air cell than theother formulations, inducing a more uniform distribution of them and a moreaerated crumb. From sensory evaluation, it could be concluded that bread with7.5% okara presented a great acceptability. Okara represents an excellent rawmaterial that can be utilized for dietary fiber fortification.