Now showing items 1-10 of 36
Switching between monocot and dicot crops in rotation schemes of Argentinean productive fields results in an increment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity
Despite the importance of mycorrhizal symbiosis, we understand little how different soil managements affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities. Crop rotation is recommended in sustainable agriculture because ...
Tillandsia bandensis (Bromeliaceae): Its lectotypification and a new subspecies from Uruguay
(Magnolia Press, 2019-05)
A new epilithic subspecies of Tillandsia bandensis (Bromeliaceae) is described based on the analysis of herbarium specimens as well as living plant material in the field and in cultivation. The new subspecies differs from ...
Development of PSP1, a biostimulant based on the elicitor AsES for disease management in monocot and dicot crops
(Frontiers Media, 2018-07)
In this work, we present a novel biostimulant for sustainable crop disease management, PSP1, based on the plant defense-elicitor AsES, an extracellular protease produced by the strawberry fungal pathogen Acremonium strictum. ...
Development of PSP1: A Biostimulant Based on the Elicitor AsES for Disease Management in Monocot and Dicot Crops
(Frontiers Media SA, 2018-07-24)
In this work we present a novel biostimulant for sustainable crop disease management named PSP1. PSP1 is based on the plant defense-elicitor AsES, an extracellular protease produced by the strawberry fungal pathogen ...
Microsatellite analysis and marker development in garlic: distribution in EST sequence, genetic diversity analysis, and marker transferability across Alliaceae
Allium vegetables, such as garlic and onion, have understudied genomes and limited molecular resources, hindering advances in genetic research and breeding of these species. In this study, we characterized and compared the ...
Microsatellite analysis and marker development in garlic: distribution in EST sequence, genetic diversity analysis, and marker transferability across Alliaceae
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018-10)
Allium vegetables, such as garlic and onion, have understudied genomes and limited molecular resources, hindering advances in genetic research and breeding of these species. In this study, we characterized and compared the ...
A Paleogene trans-Antarctic distribution for Ripogonum (Ripogonaceae: Liliales)?
(Coquina Press, 2014-03)
An impressive and growing list of biogeographically interesting plant and animal taxa occur in Paleogene sediments of both southern Australia and southern South America, indicating trans-Antarctic distributions during the ...
Phytotoxic phenylpropanoids isolated from Ophryosporus charua (Griseb.) Hieron
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-06)
Bioguided isolation of the EtOH extract from the medicinal native plant, Ophryosporus charua, against Raphanus sativus, yielded three phenylpropanoids, charuol A [(Z)-4-((1S,2R)-3-acetoxy-1,2-dihydroxypropyl)phenyl) ...
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Ophioviridae
(Society for General Microbiology, 2017-06)
The Ophioviridae is a family of filamentous plant viruses, with single-stranded negative, and possibly ambisense, RNA genomes of 11.3-12.5 kb divided into 3-4 segments, each encapsidated separately. Virions are naked ...