Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Cheers to language! youth slang and its relationship with alcohol
This article is circumscribed within a larger project and seeks to analyze the field of alcohol in youth slang in the city of Cuenca, to reflect to what extent the different terms and expressions make up a socio-cultural ...
Tá ligado? : usos e sentidos da gíria entre estudantes do ensino médio
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2009-07-08)
This study aims to find the use of slang among high school students in a private school in the city of Recife. It has been assumed criptologic aspect of the use of this, as a representative of a variation linguistic identity ...
Generación de nuevos significados, mediante la metonimia, en el parlache
(Universidad de Antioquia, Escuela de IdiomasTNT - Grupo de Investigación en Traducción y Nuevas TecnologíasMedellín, Colombia, 2015)
Análisis léxico – semántico del argot de la tribu urbana metaleros en la ciudad de Cuenca
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2020-07-22)
Sociolinguistics is a discipline that bases its theory on the influence exerted by language and society. That is, it’s in charge of the study of languages, both diachronically and synchronously within its social context. ...
Darkness on the edge of town: mapping ‘Asian’ London in popular culture
Th is chapter traces South Asian diaspora in post-colonial suburbia through
popular culture. It focuses on this demographically young population, so
eff ectively is about UK-based South Asian youth culture. Th e ‘town’ ...
Análisis léxico-semántico de la jerga juvenil del cantón Cuenca en el ámbito de la delincuencia
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2022-09-07)
Sociolinguistics is an interdiscipline that studies the relationship between language and social
context. It aims to understand linguistic variability and its interaction with the social environment,
while at the same ...
Entre la Manzana Loca y el Greenwich Village: El surgimiento del rock contracultural en Buenos AiresBeteween Manzana Loca and Greenwich Village: The Rise of Countercultural Rock in Buenos Aires
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018)
"Siempre nos miran a los del fondo": Zonificación del espacio y producción de identidades en la escuela secundaria.They Always Look to the Back Row’: Zoning of Space and Identity Production in Secondary School“Eles sempre olham para os que estão no fundo.”: Zoneamento espacial e produção de identidade no ensino médio
(Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2020-01)
En este artículo de investigación analizaremos la segregación hacia un grupo de jóvenes en el interior de un curso escolar en Córdoba (Argentina), a quienes sus compañeros nombraban despectivamente mediante el modismo local ...