Cheers to language! youth slang and its relationship with alcohol
Novillo Verdugo, Miguel Angel
Chica Apolo, Ambar Jelissa
Villavicencio Quinde, Manuel Gonzalo
This article is circumscribed within a larger project and seeks to analyze the field of alcohol in youth slang in the city of Cuenca, to reflect to what extent the different terms and expressions make up a socio-cultural imaginary in which drinking is concomitant with the daily practices of young people, such as sex, drugs, food, study, sports and other forms of leisure and fun. The methodology used begins from the lexical-semantic study of a corpus of approximately 5,000 forms, through the elaboration of a taxonomy (types of drinks, quantity, consumption, states and effects), and a lexicographic analysis, which suggest the presence of semantic changes, from rhetorical figures, mainly metaphor and metonymy, which causes the joy and delight on the part of its users.