Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Assessing Socioeconomic Risks of Climate Change on Tenant Farmers in Pakistan
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2024)
Nas entrelinhas da história, memória e gênero. Lembranças da Fazenda Jatahy.
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais - PPGCSo, 2006-02-20)
This study presents the remembrances of female and male coffee-farm workers from
the Jatahy Farm, located at the Luiz Antonio County, Northeastern region of the São Paulo
State, Brazil.
The Jatahy Farm was a property that ...
Evidence on the incentive optimality of share contracts
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2002-02-21)
Ever since Adam Smith, economists have argued that share contracts do not provide proper incentives. This paper uses tenancy data from India to assess the existence of missing incentives in this classical example of moral ...
The impact of plant breeder rights in developing countries. Debate and experience in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México y Uruguay
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 1995)
The lack evidence has been the reason for the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture and the University of Amsterdam to initiate the present study which was sponsored by two development organizations: the ...
La institucionalización de la violencia en Colombia
(Universidad del Rosario, 2007)
In this article some historical antecedents are examined –specially the institutional
factors– that contributed to origin the conflict armed in Colombia. In this objective,
I try to analyze how the institutional State´ ...
El papel de la relación terrateniente-colono campesino en la estructura de tenencia de la tierra en el oriente del Tolima de 1926 a 1936
(Universidad del RosarioCiencia Política y GobiernoFacultad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno, 2017)
The objective of this academic paper is to analyse the role of landlord- tenant farmer association in the structure of landholding in eastern Tolima department from 1926 to 1936. Through the document is intended to prove ...