Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 500
Local Selective Realism: shifting from Classical to Quantum Electrodynamics
(Springer, 2020)
This article elaborates local selective realism in view of the shifting from classical to quantum electrodynamics. After some introductory remarks, we critically address what we call global selective realism, hence setting ...
Critical realism: a research program for the Social Sciences
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2000)
Sobre la relación entre el realismo estructural óntico y las ciencias especialesOn the relation between ontic structural realism and the special sciences
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2020)
El realismo estructural óntico afirma que no existen objetos individuales, sólo estructuras. Habitualmente, se cree que esta postura está basada en la física contemporánea. Sus simpatizantes concluyen que, al nivel ontológico ...
Un mundo de estructuras : simetrías grupo-teóricas desde el realismo infoestructuralA world of structures : group-theorethical symmetries from infostructural realism
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2019-10-01)
El realismo óntico-estructural, como una de las corrientes actuales de filosofía más relevantes a nivel internacional, defiende la idea de que el mundo lo constituyen estructuras físicas reales. French (2014) considera las ...
UNASUR, Brazil, and the South American defence cooperation: A decade later
(Inst Brasileiro Relacoes Int, 2017-01-01)
UNASUR and its Defence Council (SADC) were created under a promising scenario of regional cooperation. Almost ten years later, a growing demand for regional cooperation arises, facing, however, low levels of political ...
位于现在的过去:怀特、奥尔巴赫 与米德之间的人文主义联系The past in the present: A Humanist Connection between White, Auerbach and Mead
(Shangai Normal University, 2020-08)
In this article, through an inquiry on White’s appropriation of Auerbach's figural realism, I would like us to consider whether the belief in a “past reality”, “independent” of our historical constructions, is a condition ...