Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
Implementing the National Early Childhood Care and Education Curriculum: Concerns of Teachers at an ECCE Centre in the St. George East Educational District of Trinidad and Tobago
This case study investigated the concerns of teachers as they implemented the national Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) curriculum. Data were collected through interviews with three teachers at an ECCE centre in ...
The Effect of a Large Expansion of Pre-primary School Facilities on Preschool Attendance and Maternal Employment
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2005-08)
"We provide evidence on the impact of a large construction of pre-primary school facilities in Argentina. We estimate the causal impact of the program on pre-primary school attendance and maternal labor supply. Identification ...
Developmental Losses in Young Children from Pre-Primary Program Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The learning and developmental losses from pre-primary program closures due to COVID-19 may be unprecedented. These disruptions early in life can be long-lasting. Although there is evidence about the effects of school ...
La importancia de los cuentos conocidos en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera: una propuesta metodológica para el aula de 5 años
Las narraciones de cuentos son un recurso ampliamente utilizado en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en el aula de educación infantil, pudiéndose introducir de diferentes modos. En el trabajo presentamos el ...
Trabalho e formação dos educadores de creche em Botucatu: reflexões críticas
(Fundação Carlos Chagas, 2005-12-01)
Considerando a recente preocupação de estabelecer programas de formação em serviço para educadores de creche, estudamos oito creches municipais de Botucatu (SP). O objetivo foi conhecer as condições de trabalho e de formação ...